ProSites offers free patient education videos

Dental Web site design firm ProSites is now offering free patient education videos to its members. The range of videos, showcasing numerous dental procedures and oral care techniques, are intended to help doctors educate current and prospective patients, increase case acceptance, and grow their practice, according to the company.

The high-definition video collection features more than 40 dental videos in 10 categories, including exams and dental hygiene, cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, dental implants, oral surgery, and more. The movies include high-quality video footage and computer animation that present dental topics in an easy to understand manner to educate a doctor's Web site visitors.

The ProSites Web engine technology platform allows any upgrades to be automatically applied to every ProSites Web site with a simple mouse click from within the ProSites content management system, the company noted. The ProSites Media Player allows visitors to contact the practice directly from the player and includes a "Tell a Friend" form that automates a personalized e-mail that can be sent to friends and family members. Each video also ends with a "Contact Us" form to encourage communication between the visitor and the practice.

An optional software program of all the dental videos is also available for chairside presentations on a tablet PC, laptop, or office computer. The software package includes a complimentary self-running DVD that can play in the waiting area of the doctor's office to stimulate patient interest in additional services. Doctor's can purchase the optional software package at a special discounted price available exclusively to ProSites members.

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