Connecticut dentists can renew licenses online

Licensed dentists, physicians, and nurses in Connecticut can now renew their professional licenses online through the Department of Public Health (DPH), another enhancement of a system that already allows the public to verify whether a doctor has been disciplined, announced Gov. M. Jodi Rell.

As the time for renewal approaches, the DPH will notify license holders, informing them of the upcoming renewal period and providing them with instructions for using the eLicense system. The new system will also allow the DPH to collect valuable work force data that is currently unavailable but needed to identify and address healthcare workforce shortage issues.

DPH is overseeing a pilot program for physicians, dentists, and nurses, which comprise approximately 95,000 of the more than 200,000 professional licenses and certifications issued by the department.

The system also allows individuals who hold a professional license with the department to change their address, telephone and fax numbers, or e-mail address online. Licensees can print an online receipt and a record of the information changes they have made.

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