Survey touts benefits of an online practice

A recent survey of patients using online services to communicate with dentists shows that most are happy with this medium, according to Sesame Communications.

"Patients associate their doctor's adoption of the latest online technologies and tools with advanced clinical skills, treatment methods, materials, and procedures," the company stated in a press release.

Sesame Communications provides online software and services to the dental industry.

The survey also found that patients using Sesame's patients prefer e-mail over phone calls for managing their health and dental care and are increasingly comfortable with online payment.

The survey included 23,000 patients whose dentists are Sesame clients. The company conducted the survey from January through October 2008 across the U.S. and Canada.

The results can be found in a whitepaper titled "Technology Meets Tradition," which is available for free download on the company's Web site.

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