Do’s and don’ts for practice operations

There is a famous principle that was discovered by an Italian economist that is now referred to as the 80-20 principle. In essence, it says that 80% of your results in most cases come from 20% of your effort. I believe that understanding and applying this concept will help to increase your practice production and performance. It will also show where you and your team should spend their time.

Practice Success Do

Apply the 80-20 principle to the front desk. Allocate 30 minutes a day in which the front desk contacts patients without their next appointment and your production could rise 10% to 15%.Practice Success Dont

Don’t forget to take time for analysis. Take time to analyze the 80-20 factors in your practice, and you’ll find that production and profit will increase quickly. It will also save time focused on areas that have much less impact and do not deserve the same level of focus as the more critical areas that deliver impressive results.

Dr. Roger P. Levin is CEO of Levin Group, a leading practice management and marketing consulting firm. To contact him or to join the 40,000 dental professionals who receive his Practice Production Tip of the Day, visit or email [email protected].

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