Do's and don'ts for planning the morning meeting

2016 11 18 14 42 01 206 Practice Success2 400

COVID-19 has thrown quite a few challenges at dental practices. We are facing numerous changes in practice operations, production, scheduling, procedure times, and infection control. Unfortunately, whenever chaos is thrust upon a business, its employees often give up on the normal rituals that have made them successful in the past. In dentistry, the morning meeting is a ritual that is still critically important and must not be abandoned.


Change the agenda. The agenda items for your morning meeting should focus on production, collections, expenses, number of new patients, number of active patients, and number of patients to be reactivated. These are all part of the essential elements of practice recovery, so this is where your focus should be.


Don't abandon the morning meeting. With everything going on now you have every excuse in the book not to have the morning meeting. You have a thousand new things to think about. You may have team members who didn't come back and others who are new. Or you may think there just isn't any time to have a morning meeting. Get all those thoughts out of your head and have the morning meeting anyway. Remember, the morning meeting is a big part of what has made your practice so successful.

Dr. Roger P. Levin is the CEO of Levin Group, a leading dental management consulting firm, and one of the most sought-after speakers in dentistry. Levin has authored 65 books and more than 4,000 articles on dental practice management and marketing. You can sign up for the Levin Group Tip of the Day.

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