ADA 2015: Sikka offers fee comparison demo

WASHINGTON, DC - Sikka Software is offering an individualized fee comparison to dentists who visit its booth at the 2015 ADA annual meeting.

At the Sikka Software booth (2049), dental professionals can view a demo of the company's Practice Optimizer software and receive a fee comparison of 10 procedures within one ZIP code. The software can help dentists better negotiate with insurers, compare fees to stay competitive, and provide actionable data and benchmark statistics, according to the company.

"Without competitive intelligence, dentists are flying blind. For instance, if dentists don't know what others in their area are charging, they could be losing patients due to overcharging or leaving money on the table from undercharging," stated Sikka Software CEO Vijay Sikka in a press release. "The Practice Optimizer gives dentists insight into what's going on around them, and what's going on within their practice so that they can make strategic decisions that benefit their practice and their patients."

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