The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is recognizing Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (DICAM) in September with the theme "Staying in the Know Together."
Each week will have a different infection control focus. The first week will be dedicated to hand hygiene, the second week will prioritize dental unit water lines, the third week will focus on instrument reprocessing, and the fourth week will explore personal protective equipment.
Support materials and resources for DICAM, including a brochure and a customizable patient letter, are available on OSAP's website. The resources, which are usually reserved for members, also include frequently asked questions and answers, scripts, and white papers.
OSAP encourages dental practices, educators, consultants, and those in the dental trade to recognize the month by posting infection control best practices, success stories, or selfies on social media and joining the conversation using the hashtag #DICAM22.