The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is hosting the Antibiotic Stewardship Summit for the first time as a preconference course for the 2023 OSAP Dental Infection Control Boot Camp.
The summit will be held from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, January 22, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia in Atlanta. The sessions will be recorded.
The program will include the following sessions:
- "Overview of National Prescribing Guidelines"
- "Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Clarifying Complexities in Clinical Care"
- "Steps to Stewardship: Implementing Stewardship in Your Practice"
- "Adverse Events of Antimicrobials: A Deeper Dive into C. diff and Other Super Bugs, and Other Adverse Events"
- A Q&A panel
The summit is designed for dental providers and stakeholders in oral health and is an add-on to the boot camp.