Podcast: Dental infection control expert Mary Govoni on new CDC guidance, COVID-19 myths

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Once again, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released updated guidance designed to help dental practices stay safe in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the release of the guidance, we reached out to dental infection control and prevention expert Mary Govoni, RDH, CDA, for her opinion on what this means for dental practices.

Additionally, we talked to Govoni about a myth that has been circulating on social media regarding patients who have had COVID-19 in the past and whether it is safe to treat them once they have tested negative for the virus. It's a topic up for debate in many practices right now, and we wanted to bring you information straight from a trusted source to help clear up any misconceptions.

Also referenced is the upcoming Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) 2020 virtual conference, scheduled for mid-August. You can learn more about this gathering that will focus on dentistry's response to COVID-19 on OSAP's website.

Additionally, the video referenced by Govoni in the podcast can be accessed here.

Click below to listen to the podcast with Govoni, which lasts just under 25 minutes.

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