Week in Review: Tips for personal and business success this summer | PPE and more with pediatric patients

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

One week from today, summer officially begins. As our industry continues to emerge from the disruption caused by COVID-19 and we move into another season on the calendar, it also may feel like your practice is moving into another season as well.

With that in mind, we put together some articles this week to help your business transition from what has been a tough few weeks into a period of rebound, as you establish a rhythm with so many new infection control and scheduling concepts to take into consideration everyday.

How do you plan now for success in the second half of the year (which starts on July 1, by the way)? That's what Kim McGuire discussed recently in an article in which she shared some of her best tips on everything from telephone skills to social media that can boost your business.

What about the dental hygiene side of your practice? Now more than ever, patients are homed in on what it takes to be healthy and stay that way. Dr. Katina Spadoni believes the unique skillset and knowledge possessed by hygienists enables them to ensure not only the best oral health for their patients but also the best whole-person health.

While hygienists are having conversations about health, they (along with the rest of the team) can also be talking about stress levels on the patient side. Things are certainly not the way that they once were, and some of your patients will need an outlet to discuss that. Lynne Leggett offered some advice on how to make sure you're picking up on those needs as a team and are able to help your patients through what may be a difficult time.

Those changes and feelings can also impact your youngest patients as well. From explaining personal protective equipment (PPE) to creating a new look in your waiting area, there are many things you can do to ensure a successful pediatric patient visit in dentistry's "new normal." Dr. Catalina Botero gives her advice on what can help your pediatric patients when they reenter your practice.

Finally, one of our most popular articles of the week revealed yet another health secret that can be housed within our teeth. Biomarkers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease -- begin developing in teeth during childhood, according to a recent study.

Thank you, as always, for reading DrBicuspid.com. As we move into this new season, we continue to wish you and your loved ones nothing but success and health.

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