Exclusive infection-control video; Levin on being proactive; Schlenoff on key metrics

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

In an exclusive video interview with DrBicuspid.com, infection-control expert Eve Cuny spoke of the current and long-term issues facing dental practices when it comes to infection control. She notes that many dental offices want to make infection control more of a priority, but they struggle to find reliable information and are concerned about the time and cost involved.

A certain percentage of inactive patients will never return to the practice, but many others will if you approach them correctly. Rather than leaving it up to patients to reconnect, take a proactive approach, advises Dr. Roger P. Levin.

According to the 2014 Employer Health Benefits survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust, more than 50% of "small firms" now offer dental benefits, compared with only 30% of similar firms in 2000. Among firms with 200 or more employees, 88% offer dental benefits. Read more here.

Dr. Marc Schlenoff proposes a method of breaking broad practice metrics into smaller, more proactive measurements that will enable more immediate feedback. This will enable the dentist to make smaller but meaningful changes that will, in turn, positively impact the more global goals. Read his column here.

During the recent California Dental Association's CDA Presents conference, Dr. Steven Ganzberg explained the complexities of pain management and how much of what we know about pain has been learned in the last 50 years. Read more here.

Please take a minute to view our interview with Eve Cuny, of Organization of Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) and the University of the Pacific's Dugoni School of Dentistry. Ms. Cuny offers an interesting perspective on infection control and how it affects your practice, along with some practical ideas that may end up saving your practice time and money in the longer term.

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