AMD Lasers to offer iPads with Picasso laser

AMD Lasers will offer iPads as part of its companywide going green and paperless initiative, starting October 1. iPad technology will replace paper and DVDs throughout the educational and training program in tandem with the company's Picasso dental laser, according to the company.

The initiative is a part of a long-standing commitment to a greener working environment, according to AMD Lasers President and CEO Alan Miller.

Including an iPad with the purchase of a Picasso laser enables dentists to view patient educational and clinical videos directly from their iPad, eliminating the need for DVDs, the company said. The iPad comes preloaded with an AMD Lasers app containing all the videos, marketing materials, operations manuals, and other previously printed materials.

"As a committed entrepreneur, I champion any green initiative which aids in the reduction of our environmental impact," Miller said in a press release. "For our company, that means implementing everyday practices such as waste reduction, reuse, and recycling -- thus doing our part toward contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment."

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