Hygiene Insider: New tool helps hygienist provide primary care screenings

Dear Hygiene Insider,

Researchers at the New York University College have created an online support system to help hygienists provide basic primary care screenings at the dental office. The tool advises hygienists how to screen patients for tobacco use, diabetes, and hypertension, as well as how to provide nutritional counseling. Read more in Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, researchers in the U.K asked, "What is the best way to teach patients about oral health?" The U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recently released guidelines to help dental teams create effective patient-centered oral health promotions. Find out more here.

Upcoming research from the University at Buffalo will study the possible link between IgM, a supposedly protective type of antibody, to Sjögren's syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. Sjögren's syndrome affects more than 1 million Americans (90% of whom are women) and often leads to dental problems because of dry mouth. Learn more here.

Citing an oral health crisis in their community, the Swinomish Indians of Washington state became the first tribe in the lower 48 states to hire a dental therapist to provide basic oral health services. Indian Country has too few dentists, noted Brian Cladoosby, chairman of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, in a statement. Read more here.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture have released the "2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans," which includes a call to limit the intake of added sugars. The guidelines recommend that Americans limit added sugars to 10% of their daily calorie intake. Learn more here.

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