A-dec offers Cavitron integration option

A-dec is now offering Cavitron ultrasonic scalers from Dentsply as a factory-installed option with the A-dec 300 or A-dec 500 delivery systems.

With this option, users can combine Cavitron's magnetosrictive technology with a fully integrated A-dec dental unit. The benefit to the dental team includes simplifying the treatment room's environment, clearing up space, and putting more technology at the doctor's fingertips, according to the companies.

Cavitron ultrasonic scaling tips operate by transferring energy from a transducer or stack, releasing energy through the tip and onto the tooth surface.

With an integrated A-dec 300 and A-dec 500 delivery system, the A-dec deluxe touch pad gives the dental team an intuitive display, easy-touch control, and programmable memory, the companies said.

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