Study: Most Quebecers brush at least twice daily

An overwhelming majority of the residents of Québec, Ontario, brush their teeth at least twice a day, according to a large-scale survey by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ).

The comprehensive statistical portrait of the health of Quebecers also revealed that while the habit of brushing one's teeth at least twice a day is well established in the Québec population (79%), only one-third of them use dental floss daily, the 2008 Québec Population Health Survey revealed.

The telephone survey was conducted of 38,000 people who were more than 15 years old, and surveyed aspects of their physical and mental health and lifestyle habits that can influence health and well-being.

The report presents province-wide findings on various topics, such as perceived health status, psychological distress, injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, oral and dental health, weight status, and use of weight-loss products and programs, drug use, sexual behaviors, and contraception use.

The ISQ is also publishing a statistical compilation of regional data on the same topics for each of the 16 regions covered by the survey.

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