GDA launches oral health awareness campaign

The Georgia Dental Association (GDA) has launched a campaign, Because I Saw My Dentist, to encourage consumers to see their dentist regularly and about the importance of oral health.

The campaign website profiles Georgians recounting how finding a dental home and seeing a dentist benefited them, according to the GDA. Finding a nearby dentist and encouraging residents to establish a dental home also are components of the site.

The campaign is part of a larger GDA Action for Dental Health initiative to address barriers to oral healthcare and improve oral health for all Georgians. Having a dental home and seeing a dentist on a regular basis can alleviate pain before it starts, help avoid invasive oral procedures, improve quality of life, and save lives through the early diagnosis of life-threatening conditions, according to the association.

Nearly one-third of all U.S. adults have untreated tooth decay, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Oral Health. A recent survey conducted in Georgia by the Toluna Group revealed that 35% of those who could see a dentist or who have dental insurance don't go until they have a serious problem, 20% don't have a dental home, and 10% of respondents said knowing more about preventive benefits would drive them to act, according to the GDA.

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