Madow Bros. on what not to say; Naked Dentist visits Dr. Del.; teeth-whitening regulation

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Has a phrase ever slipped out and you immediately wish you hadn't said it? In their latest column, the Madow Brothers offer some practical advice to help avoid this situation with your staff, while focusing on what you can do to build a healthy work atmosphere.

In his latest Naked Dentist column, Curtis Marshall asks, "What is your preferred lifestyle?" Working fewer days or less stress perhaps? By unveiling his formula for true patient acceptance, Marshall helps a Delaware dentist see the naked truth about his practice.

In the recent ruling in the North Carolina teeth-whitening case, the U.S. Supreme Court made it clear that the state dental board does not have the authority to regulate teeth-whitening services provided by nondentists. The question remains, however, is it necessary for these teeth-whitening professionals to be regulated? Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos' article here.

A long-term analysis of a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) study had surprising results, finding that HNSCC patients who are also anemic should not have erythropoietin added to their radiation or chemotherapy care. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

With columnists such as the Madow Brothers and Curtis Marshall's Naked Dentist series, we bring you information that you can act on today. All our columnists start at the need for excellent patient care for every patient, but through paying attention to how you treat your staff and being willing to ask yourself the hard questions about your practice and goals, these columnists offer practical, engaging advice.

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