U.K. tightens teeth-whitening regulations

Teeth-whitening products containing or releasing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide cannot be provided directly to consumers in the U.K., under amended regulations adopted by the European Commission.

In addition, whitening products with more than 0.1% but less than 6% hydrogen peroxide will only be available to patients following an examination and a first episode of treatment provided or supervised by a dentist.

The British Dental Association (BDA) and its partners in the Council of European Dentists have fought for a decision on this issue for almost four years.

The European Commission has also asked the Council of European Dentists, via the dental associations in each member state, to monitor the use of whitening products and any ill effects they cause.

"This long-awaited decision puts patient safety first by recognizing the importance of examination by a dentist before whitening treatments are provided and updates the legal position on whitening products for dental professionals," stated Stuart Johnston, BDS, chair of the Council of European Dentists' working group on tooth whitening, in a press release. "It is also good news for trading standards officers, who now have a clear indication that they should pursue nondentists who supply whitening products."

The agreement does not change the official position on products containing or releasing greater than 6% hydrogen peroxide, the BDA noted. These products remain illegal to use in the U.K.

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