ADA advertises to U.S. Congress

The ADA has launched a print advertising campaign meant to reach members of the U.S. Congress to emphasize the importance of oral health.

The ADA's political action committee, ADPAC, purchased display ads in Capitol Hill newspapers, including Roll Call and Politico that ran from December 16-22, according to the ADA Web site. Click here to see the ad.

The message of the ad is that "major health care reform legislation that ignores oral health is not real reform, and that the most important step toward improving the oral health of the underserved is to properly fund programs like Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program," the ADA Web site states.

"The campaign's goal is modest. It does not seek to move votes or sway opinion among the general public, but simply to make sure that Congress and the other oral health stakeholders are aware of the ADA's presence and leadership on oral health issues."

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