Research supports immediate-load dental implants

Three case studies published recently in the Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI) showed that immediate-load implants in healthy patients were successful and remained functional after 30 months of follow-up, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID).

Studies showing long-term results of immediate-load implants are scarce, according to JOI, and the successful cases cited in the report -- written by a team of Turkish dental researchers -- provide new evidence affirming this implant surgical technique.

"For the right patients, immediate implantation has several advantages," said Beverly Dunn, D.D.S., president of the AAID, said in a press release. "They can save time and money from shorter treatment time, and bone loss at the extraction site can be reduced when implants are inserted at the time of extraction."

Dr. Dunn cautioned that individuals with advanced periodontal disease, significant bone loss, or infections at the extraction site are not candidates for the immediate-load implant option. Other disqualifiers are smoking and poor oral hygiene.

"This research is new evidence validating the benefits of immediate-load implants," Dr. Dunn said. "Further adoption of this approach may encourage more patients to consider implants for replacing extracted teeth."

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