CAD/CAM Insider: Can new technique improve surgical guides' accuracy?

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

Can the accuracy of CAD/CAM surgical guides be improved by using tooth-supported, bone-reduction guides in patients with terminal dentition who need immediate implants? A new study examined the use of a three-guide technique for implant placement, and the authors explain why it should become part of your armamentarium. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other CAD/CAM Community news, combining 3D imaging and CAD hybrid crowns with clinical findings yields indisputable evidence that becomes the foundation for a complete dental exam, Dr. Anthony Ramirez writes. In the latest installment of his journey to the third dimension series, he details two case reports in which innovative technology helped guide his treatment recommendations and facilitated better outcomes for his patients. Read more here.

When Dr. Mark J. Fleming graduated from dental school, fewer materials were available for restorations. Now, with multiple material options and chairside CAD/CAM technology, the practice of dentistry and how to best serve your patients have changed. In this interview with, Dr. Fleming describes the evolution of materials and technologies that have improved the options for dentists. Read more here.

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