Dentist who went missing in Wyo. presumed dead

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Dr. Steve Keller. Image courtesy of Betsy Briggs Miller/Facebook.
Dr. Steve Keller. Image courtesy of Betsy Briggs Miller/Facebook.

Authorities have called off the search for the retired dentist who went missing in the Wyoming wilderness during a hiking trip, and the clinician is presumed dead, according to a news story published on September 12 on County10.

The hunt for Dr. Steve Keller of Palo Alto, CA, was called off on September 11, nine days after he became separated from his hiking group’s camp area in the Wind River Mountains, a remote area in Wyoming.

Officials said they have found no signs of Keller, and the search has been stymied by the area’s high elevation, very rugged terrain, and, at times, bad weather. Keller’s family may work with a private search contractor to continue looking for him, according to the story.

On September 2, the 76-year-old experienced outdoorsman left Steamboat Lake, where the group was camping, for a day hike without a backpack. He was reported missing at 4:30 p.m. on the same day. Until his retirement, he was a partner at Palo Alto Dental Group. 

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