Henry Schein Cares, UPS Foundation launch Wearing is Caring campaign

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The Henry Schein Cares Foundation (HSCF) is teaming up with the UPS Foundation to launch Wearing is Caring, a new campaign to raise public awareness of healthcare disparities in underserved communities, as well as the importance of social distancing and wearing face masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

To support healthcare programs in communities most in need, HSCF and the UPS Foundation are providing donations to longtime partners including the National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA), the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (NAFC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation, the National Urban League, and others. What's more, Henry Schein will also donate and distribute cloth face coverings to NNOHA and NAFC, who will select community health clinics within COVID-19 hot spots as the recipients.

Henry Schein is also donating face coverings to local safety-net health systems and other local partners in support of the CDC Foundation's Crush COVID initiative, which supports health equity and investing in communities disproportionately affected by the novel coronavirus, according to the company.

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