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How the recession changed dentistry forever; alarming rise in dental infection hospitalizations

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

What many are calling the "great recession" has changed the practice of dentistry in fundamental ways that are likely to be permanent, according to Dr. Roger Levin, chairman and CEO of practice management consulting firm Levin Group.

But with the right mind-set, dental practices can navigate these changes and generate growth in the new economy, Dr. Levin emphasizes in a two-part episode of "15 Minutes to Excellence," our video chat series featuring some of the industry's leading consultants.

Click here to watch part 1 of "8 permanent game changers" and here to watch part 2.

Meanwhile, over in the Restoratives Community, the number of patients with periapical abscesses who opted to go to a hospital emergency room for treatment rather than a dental care provider rose 40% between 2000 and 2008, according to a new study in the Journal of Endodontics. The researchers also found that the number of deaths from these infections even after hospitalization is much higher than previously thought, indicating that the problem of dental infections going untreated or being treated too late is more serious than had been estimated.

And in Oral Cancer & Diagnostics Community news, head and neck surgeons play a key role in detecting and treating human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oral squamous cell carcinoma, and they are arguably in the best position to educate patients, families, and the public on preventing the disease, according to a new study in JAMA Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery. The study authors found that not only are these practitioners knowledgeable about HPV, they generally support HPV education and vaccination.

Finally, a big round of applause for the U.S. Navy Dental Corps, which is celebrating its 101st birthday this year. With more than 1,300 active and reserve officers, the Dental Corps has matured into a world-class dental healthcare organization, providing care for sailors, marines, military beneficiaries, and countless others. Read more.

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