Gold prices fuel composite use; turbo-charging the remin process

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Once one of the most beloved restorative materials in dentistry, gold has been surpassed in recent years by composite restorative materials as dentists and dental labs adapt to the steadily rising cost of precious metals.

Does this mean porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations are on their way to becoming extinct? Click here to read what some experts think.

In other Restoratives Community news, pretreating demineralized dentin with fluoride solutions may significantly speed the remineralization process from several days to just minutes, according to a study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco. Read more.

Meanwhile, patients could obtain a list of everyone who has accessed their electronic medical record under a rule proposed this week by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Proponents say patients' rights are at stake. Read more.

And in her latest Dental Diaries entry, Dr. Sheri Doniger shares her observations during a recent day of jury duty.

Finally, Dr. Marty Jablow answers a reader's question about Physics Forceps and explains how this unique product can enhance traumatic tooth extractions.

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