Honey bees inspire new mouth ulcer gel

Researchers at the University of Bradford Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science have developed a new process for making propolis -- a substance naturally made by honey bees with healing properties -- that is water-soluble and scent-free.

The technique has already led to the development of a new mouth ulcer gel, a logical development given its healing and anesthetic characteristics, and opens the door to a range of other pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications for the substance, the university noted. Studies have also shown that propolis is antimicrobial, antifungal, a potent antioxidant, and nonallergenic immune system booster.

In nature, bees utilize the highly pungent propolis as a sealant and sterilizer in hive construction.

"A problem for mouth gels is that adhesion to the skin membrane inside the mouth is difficult -- because of the nature of the surface, the gel can simply slide off," said Anant Paradkar, MPharm, PhD, a professor of pharmaceutical engineering and the lead researcher on the project, in a press release. "As propolis retains some of its stickiness even in a water-soluble formulation, when it is applied to specific areas in the mouth, it adheres more effectively."

The gel outperforms existing gels on the market and is safe for children, according to the researchers.

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