A dental stem cell first; does bottled water cause caries?

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

In what is being hailed as an important step forward in clinical stem cell research, an Italian team has successfully utilized dental pulp stem cells to regenerate mandible bone in human subjects. This marks the first time dental stem cell research has moved from the laboratory to human clinical trials. Read more.

In other research news, a study conducted by public health experts from the University of California, San Francisco found that bottled water may increase the risk of early childhood caries, especially in certain low-income immigrant populations. Read more.

In our Hygiene Community, a survey conducted by Lanmark Group reveals what hygienists love and hate most about their profession -- and the dentists and patients they work with. To find out what hygienists are really thinking, click here.

And over on the Second Opinion page, Dr. Allan Farman -- president of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology -- celebrates the organization’s 60th birthday, noting that it is no longer just for radiologists.

Finally, don’t forget to cast your votes for the finalists in the first-ever DrBicuspid Dental Excellence Awards. Make sure dentistry's best and brightest get the recognition they deserve! To start the voting process, click here.

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