Dentists in U.S. Congress oppose amalgam resolution

Two members of the U.S. Congress who are also dentists have urged their colleagues in the House of Representatives to not sign a resolution that calls for limiting or eliminating amalgam use, according to an ADA News article.

"As dentists, we firmly believe that public policy should be based on credible, peer-reviewed science and not on scare tactics or the political agenda of some antiamalgam activists," Reps. John Linder (R-GA) and Mike Simpson (R-ID) stated in a letter sent to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, M.D.

In related news, the ADA is also calling on Congress not to support House Resolution 648.

In a letter sent to legislators September 15 and cosigned by ADA President John Findley, D.D.S., and Executive Director Kathleen O'Loughlin, D.M.D., M.P.H., the ADA states, "We believe public policy should be guided by sound science, carefully analyzed and applied to the facts. In the interest of ensuring that public policy is guided by credible, peer-reviewed science, we urge you not to cosponsor H. Res. 648."

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