New snoring, sleep apnea device launched at ADA 2013

Airway Management has launched the myTAP oral appliance for treating snoring and sleep apnea at this week's ADA 2013 conference in New Orleans.

The oral appliance can be precision-fit in less than 15 minutes, according to the company. The fit trays of the myTAP are made from a plastic that when heated becomes soft and can be accurately molded to the teeth at the time of fitting, the company said. If reheated, the trays will return to their original shape and can be refitted to achieve the perfect fit.

The design is based on the TAP appliance for treating snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and, in some cases, severe sleep apnea. myTAP advances and stabilizes the mandible, preventing the soft tissues of the throat and tongue from collapsing into the airway, which causes snoring and sleep apnea. The myTAP hardware allows the patient to control the treatment position with incremental advancements as needed, the company noted.

Oral appliances are recognized as an effective treatment for snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, the company noted. Airway Management has partnered with Patterson Dental for product distribution.

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