Dentsply Implants launches abutment in North America

Following the recent merger of Dentsply Friadent and Astra Tech Dental into the new company Dentsply Implants, Dentsply Implants North America has released its first product.

Dentsply Implants will now offer the Atlantis patient-specific abutment solution for the Ankylos implant system in the U.S. and Canada.

Atlantis abutments in titanium and gold-shaded titanium are the latest additions to the ongoing development of the patient-specific abutment assortment, according to a company press release.

The abutments are already available in more than 50 interfaces, including all major implant systems from Dentsply Implants, Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Biomet 3i, and Zimmer Dental.

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