New 3D scanner shortens denture-fitting time

A new 3D holographic scanner for intraoral modeling can reduce the time it takes to fit dentures, according to Israeli researchers.

"The process of fitting dentures hasn't significantly changed in the last 100 years," stated Dr. Anat Sharon, director of the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic at Hadassah Medical Center, in a press release. "It is such a long process that most dental clinics simply refuse to carry out the procedure."

BioDesign, a joint medical innovation program of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Hadassah Medical Center, recruited engineering and business students to develop an alternative technology.

"HoloDent is the first holography scanning device for intraoral 3D modeling, reducing the time it takes to get dentures from 30 days to 30 minutes, while making the treatment far more comfortable and precise for all patients," stated Amit Zilberstein, a BioDesign fellow and CEO of the HoloDent company, in the release.

The researchers noted that their technology can also be used to improve the accessibility of accurate denture fitting for aging populations in developing countries.

A video of the technology can be viewed here.

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