Imaging Insider: A journey to the third dimension of implantology

Dear Imaging Insider,

The ultimate goal when treating a patient is not just "do no harm" but providing a holistically positive experience that ultimately fosters lifelong doctor-patient relationships, Dr. Anthony Ramirez writes. In the latest installment of his series, he details his journey into computer-assisted implantology.

Also featured in the Imaging Community, Dr. Ramirez illustrates in specific case reports eight years apart how cone-beam CT (CBCT) technology has helped his practice grow. Read his article and view his slideshow here.

Dr. Chris Farrugia explores how the purchase of a CBCT machine led to a fundamental shift in his practice and the way he views dentistry. He writes that the exploration of medical billing versus dental billing changed his practice from a dental practice into a medical-style practice that treats teeth. Read his Second Opinion here.

Survival rates among head and neck cancer patients were similar for those whose treatment surveillance was guided by PET/CT and those with planned neck dissections, but PET/CT resulted in fewer surgeries following treatment and was more cost-effective in a recent study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Read our report here.

You likely wouldn't receive the same prescription at the physician's office for greatly differing conditions. So why do patients receive the same prescription when it comes to dental radiographs? Dr. Donald Tyndall, director of radiology for the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, walks you through the patient selection criteria for radiographs. Read his thoughts here.

Today's dental landscape is being influenced and shaped by the integration of CAD/CAM and CBCT in the practice. As Dr. Scott Pope writes, these new and advanced 3D digital technologies can provide significant advantages to the practitioner and deliver better care to our patients. Read more here.

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