Imaging Insider: Pandemic pain or something else? 3D imaging could reveal more

Dear Imaging Insider,

One of the biggest dental-related stories to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the number of cracked teeth reported by patients, resulting from the stress that has built up over the past few months. Our clinical editor, Dr. David Rice, first dove into the subject earlier this month. Today, Dr. Lea Al Matny takes a look at the issues from the imaging side.

Dr. Al Matny said general practitioners who are new to cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) ask her the following questions the most: "When should I use 3D imaging?" and "When would a CBCT scan add value to my diagnosis?" In our Insider Exclusive, Dr. Al Matny takes a look at the recent rise in bruxism and tooth fractures, as an example, and gives readers three questions to ask to help determine when a CBCT scan might be beneficial in the event of a cracked tooth.

In other news in our Imaging Community, patients are now limiting their trips outside the home, often putting off routine care. For those who have prioritized a trip to your practice, how can you make the most of their time and yours? In-house CBCT for general dentists has been a growing trend (even before the pandemic), but now it's becoming even more of a benefit, writes Dr. Robert Pauley Jr.

Finally, an infant born with multiple rare dermoid cysts in the floor of her mouth, forcing her tongue backward and causing dysphagia, underwent two surgeries before she turned 1 year old due to doctors missing smaller cysts, according to a recent case report. The images and results of the case are worth your time, I believe.

Thank you for being an Imaging Insider! We wish you and your practice a strong finish to 2020!

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