CAD/CAM Insider: Feldspathic ceramic scores highest in composite hardness testing

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

How do CAD/CAM composites hold up after toothbrush abrasion testing? Do these composites need periodic repolishing? Researchers put six such composites through rigorous testing to find out. They reported that feldspathic ceramic had the best hardness scores, but that some of the tested composites will need periodic repolishing. Read our Insider Exclusive.

Also in the CAD/CAM Community, a study looked at whether a CAD/CAM or milling process produces a better fit for a monolithic zirconia crown. Researchers put the two methods to the test to find out. What they reported might change how you complete the restorations for your patients.

For many busy dental practices, a 3D printer can be a useful tool. Dr. Gerard Kugel, PhD, spoke with about some of the technology's advantages and disadvantages at the California Dental Association's 2019 CDA Presents meeting in Anaheim, CA.

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