Sirona set to release Cerec 4.0

Sirona Dental Systems is gearing up for the official launch of Cerec 4.0, which the company unveiled earlier this year at the California Dental Association meeting in Anaheim, CA.

A key feature of Cerec 4.0 is the intuitive user interface, which has been redesigned using the latest software development tools, according to the company. All the settings and processing steps are visualized with the aid of icons and photorealistic images.

The Cerec system enables dentists to create all-ceramic restorations directly in-house." During a single treatment session, they can acquire digital impressions of the patient's teeth as a basis for designing patient-specific crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, and temporary bridges. In just a few minutes, these restorations are machined out of ceramic blocks with the aid of the Cerec MC XL milling unit, ready for immediate placement.

The following are some of Cerec 4.0's new features:

  • Multiple restoration design: This feature enables users to work on as many different restorations as they want, at the same time. Restorations can also be designed in different modes.

  • Work directly on the tooth: Design tools can now be executed directly on the tooth when performing functions such as adding or removing material, rotating or positioning the restoration, or expanding or reducing tooth size.

  • Intuitive workflow: This feature lets operators know exactly where they are in the design process and alerts them about the next step.

  • Streamlined restoration design: At the bottom of the Cerec 4.0 design window, each step is clearly defined, showing the operator the current step and which step came before and which step comes next in the process. Going back and forth between steps does not undo previous design steps.

Shipments of the new software will begin in September, according to the company. For existing Cerec AC users, 4.0 is offered as an upgrade at no cost. Cerec 3 users will need to trade up. For new customers, the cost will be about $100,000.

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