Delcam debuts new dental CAD/CAM software

Delcam announced two new CAD/CAM software releases for dentistry at the Manufacturing Innovations - Medical Canada meeting in Mississauga, Ontario, this week.

The new dental and orthotic software releases increase the level of consistency and accuracy compared to other CAD/CAM systems, reducing the need for manual adjustments, according to the company.

These products are the result of a healthcare division that Delcam established last year to improve its focus on machining parts and components for medical, surgical, and dental applications, an increasingly important part of its business, the company noted.

"Companies in the healthcare industry face the same demands from their patients that our traditional engineering clients see from their customers for faster delivery of better and cheaper products," said Delcam Vice President Mark Cadogan in a press release. "Patients want to receive higher-quality products and services, and they want to complete their treatment in the shortest possible time. At the same time, healthcare companies are under pressure to provide this higher quality at lower cost and to increase their productivity to meet the growing demand. These requirements can only be met through the application of more advanced and more automated technology."

The complete OrthoModel/OrthoMill process is driven by a series of easy-to-use menus that incorporate the specific terminology used in the industry to describe the various features of the orthotic, Cadogan said. This ensures that the system can be used by technicians without any need for extensive training in general CAD/CAM technology.

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