Straumann launches new CAD/CAM system

Straumann has launched a new CAD/CAM dental restoration system, the latest addition to the company's digital product portfolio.

The new Straumann CARES (computer-aided restorative solutions) Digital Solution includes guided surgery, intraoral scanning, and CAD/CAM prosthetics. The package is designed for seamless connectivity to simplify workflows and link dental professionals across disciplines, the company said.

Straumann CARES Scan CS2 in-lab scanner is the central hardware component in the Straumann CARES CAD/CAM system. The additional functions offered by the CS2 include the ability to scan solid master models, section cuts, and antagonist models. Using 3D laser technology for accuracy and speed, it reduces scanning times to just 30 seconds for single dies, and three minutes for master models, Straumann said.

In premarket testing, customers particularly liked the system's morphing capability, which automatically designs a fully restored tooth with inlays, onlays, veneers, or partial crowns despite the fact that the original morphology of the tooth is missing, Straumann said.

To drive the new CAD/CAM system, Straumann has further developed its CAD software. New features and functions include a new graphic user interface, an automatic prosthetic design feature, a tool for individual design options, and an expanded database library of teeth, pontics, and connectors. There is also a 2D slice view with measuring function that makes it possible to check important design parameters such as prosthetic wall thickness, the company said.

The software connects with the Cadent iTero intraoral scanning technology, so that dentists using iTero scanners can transfer oral scan data directly into the Straumann CARES CAD/CAM system when designing tooth- or implant-borne restorations.

The news system is now available in some U.S. and European markets and will be rolled out in the coming months following relevant regulatory approvals, Straumann noted.

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