Information offered on Olympus Corporation

Want an updated guide on the functioning of Olympus Corporation? For $927 you can pick up a copy of Research and Market's "Olympus Medical Device Company Intelligence Report."

The report focuses primarily on the company's largest division -- Olympus Medical Systems, which makes biomaterials and devises for procedures like endoscopy and minimally invasive surgery.

Of Olympus Medical Systems' total revenue, 31% is generated from sales of minimally invasive products.

"A new area for the minimally invasive business is dental products. The company began selling color measurement equipment for dental clinics and dental implant manufacturers in November 2006," explains a Research and Markets press release. "Olympus plans to continue to expand its involvement in the dental equipment market by developing new products based on its optical and image processing technologies."

The table of contents includes:

  • Overview
  • Strategic focus
  • Products
  • Research and development
  • International activities
  • Financial indicators
  • Key corporate events
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Joint ventures
  • Minority investments
  • Agreements
  • Litigation
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