Roland DGA debuts adapter for DWX-42W wet mill

2021 02 24 21 53 9662 2021 02 24 Dg Shape 6 Pin Adapter 20210224214342

Roland DGA's DGShape Americas has launched a six-pin adapter designed to increase the overall milling capacity of its DWX-42W wet dental mill.

The six-pin adapter (part No. ZV-42W) enables DWX-42W to mill up to six 14-mm material blocks, which is twice the total allowed by the standard material adapter, the company said. Also, its base can be used interchangeably with the DGShape AK-1 abutment kit.

The new accessory is available through Roland DGA dealers.

The six-pin adapter for the DWX-42W milling machine. Image courtesy of DGShape.The six-pin adapter for the DWX-42W milling machine. Image courtesy of DGShape.
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