Shofu Dental touts clinical evaluation results

2021 02 04 21 20 8180 2021 02 04 Shofu Fit Sa 20210204212505

Materials and equipment company Shofu Dental is highlighting the results of a clinical evaluation that found high user ratings for its Fit SA bioactive self-adhesive flowable composite.

The study was conducted by the Dental Advisor and included 30 evaluators and 787 total uses. Fit SA received a 92% rating of 4.5 or higher out of five.

Fit SA is free of bisphenol A (BPA) and is designed for use as a liner and in small class I, class III, class V, and other nonload-bearing restorations, according to Shofu Dental.

Shofu's Fit SA bioactive self-adhesive flowable composite. Image courtesy of Shofu Dental.Shofu's Fit SA bioactive self-adhesive flowable composite. Image courtesy of Shofu Dental.
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