GC America debuts adhesive kit for restorations

2021 02 03 21 44 5093 2021 02 03 G2 Bond Univeral Kit 20210203215433

GC America has introduced the G2-Bond Universal two-bottle universal bonding kit, which will be available for purchase on February 15.

The kit optimizes bonding through its hydrophobic bond layer, which aims to reduce the occurrence of water sorption. The thickness of the layer acts as a shock absorber, avoiding gap formation and debonding, especially with high shrinkage and bulk-fill composites.

The adhesive can be used for many types of restorations, including intraoral repair and hypersensitivity treatment.

GC America's G2-Bond Universal product. Image courtesy of GC America.GC America's G2-Bond Universal product. Image courtesy of GC America.
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