Restoratives Insider: A 5-step process for better retraction

Dear Restoratives Insider,

I have been fortunate enough to work with Dr. David Rice for a few years now as we have traveled around the country helping dentists and team members through the IgniteDDS and IgniteDA lecture series. During these lectures, I have seen firsthand how he easily and efficiently translates what has made his Upstate New York dental practice successful to those in the audience.

When I had the opportunity to once again join forces with him here at, I was truly excited. I can't imagine a better clinical director for our publication than Dr. Rice, who shares his passion and knowledge for dentistry from his head and his heart.

In this month's Insider Exclusive, Dr. Rice details a way that dentists and team members can achieve greater results with their retraction. It's a simple, five-step process that he describes, and I think it will make a difference in your practice.

Also in the Restoratives Community, Dr. Rice has some tips to share with you on the importance of digital photography and the importance of banking natural tooth structure as well. Peer-to-peer learning is so important in today's dental practice, and I'm so glad Dr. Rice is part of our team.

Another article to check out is one that was overlooked by many because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Just before Thanksgiving, the American Dental Association stated once again that it supports community fluoridation and believes it is a safe way to prevent caries, despite a recent draft monograph from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Toxicology Program that suggests fluoride is a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans. I think you'll find this article (that includes the response from the ADA) interesting.

Finally, did you see this article about the patient in the U.K. who was awarded the equivalent of $51,000 after the judge ruled he lived with "unbearable" pain because his tooth decay was never detected or treated? It's a good reminder of the importance of documentation and proper diagnosis for every practice.

On behalf of the entire team, here's wishing you and your team a successful and stress-free end to the year and the decade!

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