New product: Planmeca debuts surgical implant guide

2017 12 06 17 47 5914 Planmeca Romexis Implant Guide 20171206173333

Dental equipment manufacturer Planmeca has introduced a surgical implant guide.

The Romexis implant guide module uses implant module software, 3D volume, and a stereolithography (STL) data file to facilitate the planning, design, and fabrication of a single-piece implant guide.

The guide automatically marks the undercuts and visualizes the drilling depth distance from sleeve top to implant apical tip to assist in the implant procedure. The guide offers customization and an all-in-one platform for an uninterrupted workflow and optimized work efficiency, according to the company.

The Romexis implant guide module. Image courtesy of Planmeca.The Romexis implant guide module. Image courtesy of Planmeca.
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