Week in Review: No longer the gold standard? Plus, legal issues and practice management

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Once literally the gold standard for dental restorations, gold has largely been replaced by ceramics as the material of choice for most dentists. The soaring cost of gold combined with the development of ceramic materials has led to a decline in gold's allure in dentistry. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

Also on DrBicuspid.com this week, a 47-year-old photographer with periodontal disease and active purulent discharge experienced a seizure eight days after periodontal treatment. As William S. Spiegel and Dr. Marc R. Leffler document, what happened next is a reminder that all antibiotic situations have to be evaluated carefully. Read their fascinating case report here.

As our readership numbers consistently reflect, your response to our Legal Cases series is overwhelmingly positive. The craft, professionalism, and thoughtfulness Mr. Spiegel and Dr. Leffler put into each column are apparent, and the issues they address resonate for every practice.

In other news, how often do you hear someone say, "If I only knew then what I know now"? After 30 years of working with tens of thousands of doctors, Scheduling Institute President Jay Geier has heard it many times. In his latest column, he shares how his advice for teenagers looking to make their mark also applies to dentists seeking to make their practices successful. Read the article here.

In his latest Practice Success column, Dr. Roger P. Levin emphasizes that in today's more challenging dental market, customer service has become more important than ever. You need patient feedback to know if your efforts are paying off -- and where improvements can be made. Read his column here.

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