Lares launches videos, supports breast cancer research

Lares Research has added a library of high-speed handpiece repair and maintenance videos to its website.

The videos are available in three languages -- English, Spanish, and Japanese -- and show the most frequently needed repair and maintenance procedures for the company's high-speed handpieces. The videos are available at the Lares home page through the "support" pull-down menu.

The company also announced that it will support breast cancer research during the month of October in honor of breast cancer survivor Cindy Lares, the wife of the company's president, Craig Lares.

All Lares high-speed handpieces purchased for delivery in October will have a breast cancer ribbon laser-marked on the handpiece handle, according to the company. Additionally, a portion of each Lares high-speed handpiece sale in October will be donated to the Susan G. Komen breast cancer research foundation.

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