Sunstar to launch new prophy angles, bone graft system at Greater NY meeting

Sunstar Americas will spotlight its new Butler Prophyciency disposable prophy angles and Guidor easy-graft alloplastic bone grafting system at the Greater New York Dental Meeting next week.

The Butler Prophyciency angles clean and polish without paste, saving hygienists time, according to the company. It eliminates the need to refill the cup in the prophy angle and the need for patients to rinse during a cleaning, as well as provides better visibility during cleaning and simplifies cleanup. The angle's ButlerBloom contouring cup is designed to clean and polish interproximally, subgingivally, and on all facial and lingual tooth surfaces.

Guidor easy-graft bone grafting system is being introduced into the North American market after success in overseas markets, the company noted. It is a fully resorbable, synthetic bone graft substitute that will appeal to clinicians who seek stability, osteoconductivity, and control of placement. With over 250,000 applications worldwide, the system can predictably and efficiently handle all socket preservation and immediate implant needs, according to the company.

The system is composed of beta-tricalcium phosphate granules coated with a polylactide polymer that are mixed with an N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone liquid activator called BioLinker to form a permeable, moldable material that hardens to form a stable, porous scaffold. The unique combination of materials provides the foundation for exceptionally easy preparation, dispensing, and shaping, the company noted. The porosity of the granule supports material resorption and bone regeneration.

"We feel these two innovations will have a dramatic impact on the efficiency of our valued customers," stated Aaron Pfarrer, senior director of marketing and professional relations for Sunstar, in a press release. "Butler Prophyciency builds on our rich heritage of enhancing the efficacy and convenience of hygiene care, while Guidor easy-graft will enable us to bring the same degree of ingenuity to periodontics that we have been bringing to dental hygiene for decades."

All Sunstar Americas products can be viewed at booth No. 3828 at the Greater New York Dental Meeting in New York City, from November 30 through December 3, 2014.

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