Septodont donates to NCOHF

Septodont has donated more than $138,000 in sealant and anesthesia reversal products to the National Children's Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF): America's ToothFairy program. The products are distributed to America's ToothFairy Affiliate clinical programs and reach at-risk children across the U.S.

The company donated more than 1,000 Toothfairy Pit & Fissure Sealant Kits and Oraverse anesthesia reversal products. The America's ToothFairy Affiliate network consists of community-based, nonprofit programs dedicated to providing the best educational, preventive, and treatment services for vulnerable children and families.

"We are so grateful for Septodont's tremendous support of America's ToothFairy and our mission to prevent children's suffering from dental disease," stated Fern Ingber, NCOHF president and CEO, in a release.

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