3M ESPE adds preliminary impression, bite registration materials

3M ESPE has expanded its Imprint 4 line with preliminary impression material and bite registration material.

Imprint 4 Preliminary VPS material, which replaces the existing Position Penta VPS preliminary impression material, works with the Pentamix system to ensure homogeneous, void-free, and reproducible mixing quality.

Impressions taken with Imprint 4 Preliminary VPS material offer long-term dimensional stability and can be poured multiple times, according to the company. The material's hydrophilicity ensures that models can be poured without pretreatment of the impression surface, and models show a very high surface quality. Additionally, impressions made with this material can be fully disinfected without losing dimensional stability, 3M noted.

The Imprint 4 Preliminary VPS material offers a working time of one minute and an intraoral setting time of 90 seconds to improve patient comfort and decrease patient chair time, according to the company.

The Imprint 4 Bite VPS material is suitable for open and closed bite occlusal registration. The product allows for simple mixing and can be dispensed directly in the patient's mouth. With its flow properties and no-slump consistency, Imprint 4 Bite VPS material does not lock into undercuts or interdental areas. After setting, the bite material is easy to cut, trim, and accurately position with the stone model, according to 3M.

Both Imprint 4 Preliminary VPS material and Imprint 4 Bite VPS material are scannable, giving dentists access to CAD/CAM solutions, the company noted.

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