Survey: Dentists favor restorative materials certification

A survey of U.S. dentists found that more than 91% of respondents favor the certification of the composition and ADA classification of the restorative materials they prescribe.

More than 97% said they would favor dental labs that included free materials certification with every case they ship.

The survey was conducted by the IdentAlloy/IdentCeram Council, an industry nonprofit organization that provides participating suppliers with certificates attesting to the composition and ADA classification of their products. The suppliers then include the certificates free with the materials they ship to labs for the labs to pass on to dentists with every case.

The survey also asked dentists to name the major benefits they saw in the IdentAlloy/IdentCeram materials certification program. "Ensuring material quality and content" was named by 94% of the respondents, with 76% percent listing "attesting to the quality of the lab." Other benefits selected included "improving risk management" (55%) and "streamlining record-keeping" (36%).

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