Study: Dental implants offer cost-effective option

Dental implants offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments for tooth replacement and also improve quality of life, according to a literature review in the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants (March/April 2013, Vol. 28:2, pp. 343-356).

The review analyzed all available studies published in English between 2000 and 2010 relating to the cost-effectiveness of various tooth-replacement options. In total, 14 studies on long-term costs were included in the final review, which yielded the following conclusions:

  • For single-tooth replacement, implant-based solutions were generally cost-saving or cost-effective in comparison with traditional tooth-borne prostheses (bridges).
  • For patients with full dentures, implant-borne solutions were associated with higher initial costs than traditional (nonfixed) dentures; however, the consensus of most studies was that, over the long term, dental implants represent a cost-effective treatment option.
  • Patient acceptance, satisfaction, and willingness to pay for dental implants were high, particularly in elderly edentulous patients.
  • A trend toward improved overall improved oral-health-related quality of life and decreased healthcare costs also was reported.
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